Wiley - Non-Evidence Based Measures Damaging.
“…Evidence is lacking for the most aggressive measures. A sys- tematic review on measures to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses found insufficient evidence for entry port screening and social distancing in reducing epidemic spreading.10 Plain hy- gienic measures have the strongest evidence.10,11 Frequent hand washing and staying at home and avoiding contacts when sick are probably very useful. Their routine endorsement may save many lives. Most lives saved may actually be due to reduced transmission of influenza rather than coronavirus.”
“…If COVID-19 is not as grave as it is depicted, high evi- dence standards are equally relevant. Exaggeration and over- reaction may seriously damage the reputation of science, public health, media and policymakers. It may foster dis- belief that will jeopardize the prospects of an appropriately strong response if and when a more major pandemic strikes in the future.”