U.S. National Library of Medicine


“…Medical masks were not effective, and cloth masks even less effective. When used by sick patients randomised controlled trials suggested protection of well contacts.”

“The weight of this evidence and the precautionary principle (MacIntyre et al., 2014a; 2014b), favors respirators for healthcare workers. We showed lower rates of infection outcomes in the medical mask arm compared to control, but the difference was not significant (MacIntyre et al., 2011). It could be that larger trials are needed to demonstrate efficacy of a mask, but any protection is far less than from a respirator. A trial we conducted in Vietnam of 2-layered cotton cloth masks compared to medical masks showed a lower rate of infection in the medical mask group, and a 13 times higher risk of infection in the cloth mask arm (MacIntyre et al., 2015). The study suggests cloth masks may increase the risk of infection (MacIntyre et al., 2015), but may not be generalizable to all homemade masks.”


American Association of Physicians and Surgeons


 Reseau Internationale