Primary Doctor Medical Journal (Part 1 and 2)


Part 1:

“Both cotton and polymer clothing have been well-tolerated without pathology when covering any other part of the body, except over the only entry points/gateway to the respiratory system. Inhalation risks,

such as the constant ventilation of the respiratory process, increased by the greater effort to attempt to fulfill bodily oxygen needs, with mostly and closely covered orifices are of great concern for those who would want to protect pulmonary health, without inhalation of unwanted particulate. When partial airway obstruction, i.e. masking, is added, deeper and more forceful breathing occurs. When this phenomenon is combined with the particles found herein on microscopic examination of the face side of newly unpackaged, never worn masks, there can arise the risk of a dangerous level of foreign material entering lung tissue. Furthermore, worn masks can only either lose these particles to lodge in the lungs of the wearer, or they would accumulate during use, to the burden (both biological and debris) of non- mask material carried on the inside of the mask.

Further concerns of macrophage response and other immune and inflammatory and fibroblast response to such inhaled particles specifically from facemasks should be the subject of more research.

If widespread masking continues, then the potential for inhaling mask fibers and environmental and biological debris continues on a daily basis for hundreds of millions of people. This should be alarming for physicians and epidemiologists knowledgeable in occupational hazards.”


“…..Masks have been shown through overwhelming clinical evidence to have no effect against transmission of viral pathogens.3 Penetration of cloth masks by viral particles was almost 97% and of surgical masks was 44%.4 Even bacteria, approximately ten times the volume of coronaviruses, have been poorly impeded by both cloth masks and disposable surgical masks. Face masks became almost ineffective after two hours of use, and after 150 minutes of use, more bacteria was emitted through the disposable mask than from the same subject unmasked.5 One must wonder, if new masks worn by healthcare workers, that are soiled by wear during a work shift, transmit more bacteria to patients than from an unmasked healthcare worker, then what is happening to the lungs of the mask-wearer?”

“…The challenge to the masked person is that the lungs normally expel bacteria with freely exhaled breath, a necessary exhaust system not previously challenged throughout human or even vertebrate history with deliberate obstruction. “

“….As we see from the above data, there was no significant correlation with mask use and either increase or reduction of deaths from COVID-19; thus masking could not have caused a significant reduction in deaths. In fact, two of the countries with the highest COVID-19 deaths also had high rates of mask use: Spain at 87% mask use and Brazil at 90% mask use. Again, masking could not have caused a significant reduction in deaths.”

“…Interestingly the above-cited paper that found a majority of 1918-1919 pandemic deaths to be from bacterial pneumonia was co-authored by Anthony Fauci, MD who has been tasked with advising the US on proper response to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, yet he has not publicly discussed this precedented risk of bacterial pneumonia in 2020, even having performed extensive research himself. It is also known that the 1918-1919 pandemic was the last time that human societies experimented with widespread long-term masking. As now, healthy people were made to wear masks, and it is thought by some that there would have been no pandemic in 1918 without masking. Are we repeating known mistakes from our history and what are the consequences?”

“….One historian writes, “The quarantine, isolation and mask-wearing failed to diminish the spread of the influenza. Instead the practices likely increased fatality and had disastrous economic consequences. The medical policy of 1918 was contrary to the medical science of 1918, and the destructive practices of quarantine, isolation and mask-wearing were largely abandoned.”

“The mechanism of pathology originating from masks is likely as follows: Microbe-carrying droplets, trapped in masks, stay damp while the mask is worn, whereas without a mask, exhaled droplets and aerosol are known to dry quickly. In the continually damp environment of the mask, bacteria start to proliferate, are re-inhaled and then transferred throughout the body, as discussed below.”

“…Cloth mask wearers had significantly higher influenza-like illness when compared to unmasked.27 This meta-analysis found no benefit of masks against transmission of laboratory- confirmed influenza, in analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials.28

James Meehan MD reports seeing patients clinically that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. “Reports coming from my colleagues from all over the world, are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonias are on the rise.” Dr. Meehan reports that this is “because untrained members of the public are wearing medical masks repeatedly . . . in a non- sterile fashion.”29

Recently, a group A strep throat outbreak of unusual size in Michigan public schools where masks are mandatory was reported during the week before this writing.30 A number of factors may be involved in this outbreak. Not only are students being forced to wear masks, but also schools were closed during lockdown long enough to possibly allow buildup of microbes in their ventilation systems. The problem may be compounded by masks damaging immunity, not being properly washed, poor training of PPE use, or even trapping Streptococcus while forcibly trying to inhale and exhale. After all, deeper inhalation, as we know happens with mask wearing, could have produced a concerning health hazard.”

“…The possibility of superstrains and their consequences in the population will likely eclipse the effects and the incidence of the relatively mild COVID-19 virus (estimated IFR 0.01531),, as we have seen from the autopsies discussed above of the 1918-1919 pandemic victims.”

“….One dental practice estimates that 50% of their patients are suffering from mask-induced dental problems, including decaying teeth, receding gum lines and “seriously sour breath.”35 The dentists theorize that these new oral infections are mostly caused by the tendency for people to mouth-breathe while wearing a mask, which is not consistent with the evolution of the form and functionality of the airways of humans or any other species.”

“…When oral bacteria gain access to blood and deep tissues, they may cause pneumonia, abscesses in lung tissue, subacute bacterial endocarditis, sepsis and meningitis. 44 It is important to consider that endocarditis can be a lifelong infection. Strep pyogenes bacteria has been observed for decades to cause irreversible fibrosis in heart tissue long after the bacteria were no longer found.”

“…Additionally Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases have been the result of oral bacteria gaining access to deeper tissue.46 These are among the diseases reported as co- morbidities associated with an increased risk of death attributed to COVID-19. COPD47 and in this enormous study, cancer can also result simply from the access of oral bacteria to deeper tissue.”

“…Masks have been shown consistently over time and throughout the world to have no significant preventative impact against any known pathogenic microbes. Specifically, regarding COVID-19, we have shown in this paper that mask use is not correlated with lower death rates nor with lower positive PCR tests.

Masks have also been demonstrated historically to contribute to increased infections within the respiratory tract. We have examined the common occurrence of oral and nasal pathogens accessing deeper tissues and blood, and potential consequences of such events. We have demonstrated from the clinical and historical data cited herein, we conclude the use of face masks will contribute to far more morbidity and mortality than has occurred due to COVID-19.”



American Journal of Infection Control


National Center For Biotechnology Information